Sex with our escorts is usually done when both the client and the chosen girl are completely naked, or just wearing some sexy accessories, like high heels, or fishnet socks. But there are clients who want the escort girl hired for their Frankfurt Escort experience to play a certain role, such as in a role-playing or cosplay game. However, we're not talking about dressing like a video game character, but about wearing a dress that can instantly arouse and convey a sense of power and control.
And there is only one type of suit that can have this effect on a man: a uniform. You cannot lie, people who are in contact with people in uniform feel uncomfortable, and never in control of the situation. Those who have been arrested for police checks know what we mean. But the uniform is not only used to annoy people and explain who is responsible but also to arouse people's enthusiasm. If you are a fan of weird situations and want to encroach on and deny uniforms their role in intimidation, our new add-on Pleasure Escort Frankfurt Agency is the one for you.
In this service, you can finally have sex with a pretty girl who is dressed in a costume and is dominating or submissive. In short, at the Pleasure Escort Frankfurt Service, you can do whatever you want, to create a real Frankfurt escort experience.
If you are passionate about costume parties or want to try this new add-on service, keep reading this article, and you will find all the information you need to understand if this is the service you have been looking for!
Pleasure Escort Frankfurt Service: How does it work?
A uniform has always been associated with an authoritarian figure who is able to issue orders and enforce rules, for example, a policeman or a doctor. Uniformed people know that they can exert powerful authority over others, and they do not fail to do so in any situation. We've already provided a series of services where an escort girl can wear costumes to have sex with a client and play RPGs, but at the new Pleasure Escort Frankfurt Service Agency we've taken your imagination to the next level! In this service, you can have sex with a uniformed attendant (policewoman, nurse, doctor, customs officer, soldier, etc.) and you can also choose all the roles that you will play. For example, you can finally be the one in control and get revenge on the policewoman who fined you for having sex with her. Or if you like being controlled, the policewoman can punish you in many other exciting ways. it's your choice.
In order to take advantage of the Pleasure Escort Frankfurt, you must choose the escort you prefer on our platform (all girls are available to do this additional service), tell us the services you want to perform, the outfit you want to wear, and where and when the service is performed. We will arrange the reservation for you, you can have fun with Pleasure Escort Frankfurt!
Pleasure Escort Service Agency in Frankfurt: What to do
In this additional service, you can finally define the rules of the relationship between you and a woman in a uniform. We have put in place general rules to ensure the best possible service. Here are the things to do to get the Pleasure Escort Agency for the perfect Frankfurt service! For this service, the girl you chose puts on a uniform. This service cannot be purchased just because it does not include any sexual activity, you will have to combine it with other services, such as the basic package with regular sex, condoms, anal sex, or oral sex.
Our girls have a set of ready-to-wear uniforms. Your chosen girl can send you uniforms pictures to allow you to choose which outfit to wear, or you can purchase a costume and use it with the escort you hired. The outfit you have purchased will become the property of the facilities. Remember to define your role and that of the accompanying child before starting sex, and remember to respect them.
All sex you have should take place with a condom.
Remember that the outfit the girl wears is her own, try not to spoil it. You can also choose which accessories the escort will wear in addition to the uniform, for example, the type of underwear, the accessories, and the type of shoes.
Service Agency: Things You Shouldn't Do
You have just read the things to do to get excellent service, while now is the time to read about the things that must not be done so that you don't risk compromising the quality of service. Remember, you cannot have sex just by purchasing this service. To avoid misunderstanding, we decided not to grant the purchase of this service only.
Do not tear or spoil your escort uniform. If you destroy the dress, you will have to compensate for it. Don't overtake.